Those who have been following us since the opening of our Portuguese online boutique at the end of 2020 know that we are both big green tea lovers. This is one of the reasons why our assortment has so far been limited to the green teas "Hysson" and "Encosta de Bruma" from Azores Tea. But that is about to change! As some of you may already know, we are working hard on the introduction of a Portuguese black tea range.
But from the beginning, why black tea now?
In fact, since the close cooperation with the oldest tea plantation in Europe "Cha Gorreana", we had not dared to try the black tea variety of the Azores tea. Influenced by many negative taste experiences in connection with black teas, we had actually already written off the capital black tea for ourselves.
Actually! Because with the introduction of our green tea series, we got over ourselves to order a few grams of "Pekoe" and "Orange Pekoe" of the Azores tea for tasting. However, our preconceptions of a bitter and weak taste experience were immediately disproved with the first tasting.

When we first brewed the tea, after 2 minutes of brewing time, we quickly realised that this black tea is different. An incredibly pleasant and slightly malty taste was in our mouths when we brewed the Pekoe black tea from Cha Gorreana and flattered our palates. When testing the Orange Pekoe from the Azores, expectations were even exceeded when light caramel notes reached our taste buds. In addition, there was nothing of the feared bitterness to be felt. Amazing! At the latest, it was clear that we had to bring a Portuguese black tea onto the market.
And now here we are, a few weeks away from the launch and looking forward to finally introducing you to our varieties of black tea soon.