In today's blog post, we would like to point out that in addition to our Portuguese online boutique, there are of course other special shops where you can also experience the feeling of Portugal in Germany. Against the background of the difficult situation that retailers have to go through at the moment, we would like to support our colleagues and present our recommendations to you. If you have the opportunity, we would be delighted if you would visit the stores mentioned and see for yourself the quality of the products on offer. But enough about that, here are our three recommendations for you:
1) Blue Sense - Heidelberg
The Heidelberg-based concept store has been the place to go for special handmade delicatessen products, as well as fashion, ceramics and decorative items from Portugal for several years now. Starting with the love to Portugal, founder Nathalie Nicoletti has opened a special Portuguese shop in the heart of the city of Heidelberg, expressing her love for the country. In order to bring the Portuguese attitude of life to Germany, the concept store has specialised mainly in products from the Vista Portuguese brand. The leading brand for the Portuguese attitude to life is managed by partner Norbert Erhard and has also established itself successfully in a short time. In the meantime, Vista Portuguese is represented throughout Germany by its dealers and continues to grow. On your next visit to Heidelberg, you should definitely take a look at the Blue Sense concept store and let the special handmade products from Portugal convince you.

Blue Sense-Store
Theaterstraße 2a
69117 Heidelberg
(Source Photos: Heidelberg Marketing GmbH, Christoph Düpper)
2) Olá Maria Portugal - Hamburg
Our second recommendation is located in the north of Germany and has its home in Hamburg. We are talking about the Portuguese delicatessen store Olá Maria in Hamburg's Neustadt. There, the founding couple Carla and Dirk offer a wide range of high-quality wines, canned fish, but also olive oils and other delicacies. In addition, you can even taste some Portuguese specialities with a glass of wine on site (of course, only if the current Corona restrictions allow it). So if you're in Hamburg next time, you should definitely visit them...

Olá Maria Portugal
Poolstraße 20
20355 Hamburg
(Source photo: Olá Maria Portugal)
3) Portuguese-Artländer - Quakenbrück
The last recommendation is specifically for those of you who live in Lower Saxony and live near the small town of Quakenbrück. There, founder Daniel (whose parents are from Portugal) opened the small store and café "Portugiesisch-Artländer" in the heart of the town a few years ago. On site, you are spoiled with Portuguese specialities such as Pastel de Nata or a relaxing cup of café and come a little closer to your next holiday in Portugal. The fact that Daniel's customers already travel all the way from Osnabrück or Oldenburg comes as no surprise to us, given his love for his home country and the lovingly furnished little shop.

Portuguese Artländer
Bahnhofstraße 40
49610 Quakenbrück
(Source photo: Portuguese Artländer)
Olá Gabriela,
und muito obrigado für dein Feedback! Wir werden uns das auf jeden Fall vormerken wenn wir einen weiteren Blogbeitrag dieser Reihe erstellen. Ganz lieben Dank für die Info!
Olá bom dia!
Das sind ja tolle Geschäfte, aber aller sehr weit weg von (Leverkusen). Hier in der Nähe gibt’s in Rommerskirchen ein super Portugiesische Lebensmittelgeschäfte und Café ( mit den besten Kuchen aus Portugal).
Wäre schön wenn ihr mehr Geschäfte posten könntet.Adeus, saúde a todos